Malibu is HOT!!! Not because its in sunny California, or home to some of our favorite celebs. Malibu is actually on fire.7 counties have declared a
State of Emergency.
The wild fire was apparently started after some power lines fell due to strong wind gust. 70-80 mph wind have helped to spread the wildfire beyond control.
Fire fighters worked through the day and night trying to contain the fire.With local coast guard plane dropping tons of water on the fires, and hundreds of firemen on
hand, the blaze continues to rage.
Several homes and Churches have already been damaged. Residence have been told to evacuated.Some residence are refusing to leave, trying
to protect there homes themselves.Already , several people have been injured and one person has died.
Take a look at who's on the list to evacuate:
Bill Murray*David & Courtney Cox*Jennifer Aniston*Tatum O'neal*Sting*Olivia Newton*Tom Hanks*James Cameron*Rob Reigner*Linda Ronstadt*David Geffen* Jeff Katzenberg*Rita Wilson
Mel Gibson*Cindy Crawford*Sean Penn*
What I'm saying iz... I understand people wanna stay, and try to save their homes, but be CAREFUL. Its not worth your life. Besides , you live in Malibu, I'm sure you can afford to move, unlike the tragedy where evacuees couldn't leave.
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