Chester Athur Styles a.k.a. Chester The Molester, is wanted for molesting a 3 year old girl in a video that surfaced on the Internet. The girl is now 7 and living with her mother in Vegas.
It is said , in the video, the little girl is emotionless, and doesn't cry during the rape, which leads me to believe that this wasn't the first time the girl had been assaulted.
The mother of the girl is just coming forward. When asked what took so long for her to do so, she said she worked long hours and was unaware until a friend told her. The mother claims she believe the incident happened while she was at work, but claims she saw no evidence of the assault.
The ex-girlfriend of Styles, Tina Allen, came forward to tell what she knew of styles. She says he is very violent and has a history of drug abuse. She also says he is a survivalist and knows how to survive in the wood for weeks at a time.She claims Styles told her he would not come in without a fight.
Other friends of Styles says he claimed to be a Navy Seal, which is untrue. He did at one point work as an animal trainer .
Styles is knows for participating in S&M and bondage and was seen in dominatrix in Pahrump Nevada. He is also known to travel with his dog, a white bullmastiff.Styles was also charged with the molestation of another 6 year old girl in Vegas.
What I'm saying iz...I hope he does fight the police when they catch him , and they use ANY force necessary to bring him in , more dead than alive! Poor little girl.What kind of mother does she have? How could you not know the little girl was being raped? They havent yet , but I think they should look into bringing charges of neglect against the mother.
the punishment for such a crime is the removal of the organs that he used to perpetuate the crime. See that it is done!
I've just heard he was caught, while driving a car with no license and fake ID. What a LOSER! I also agree with other comments related to legal action on the 'so called' MOTHER.
Vanessa (Speachless)
Wow, it's easy to place blame on the mother, isn't it? Especially from such positions of expertise and special knowledge.
There's not a lot a mother can do if there's no evidence of the abuse and if they flat out don't notice it happened. She had no idea, there were no signs on the poor little girl, and the last thing the mother needs right now is to be blamed for this. Leave it the pseudo-intellectuals on the blogosphere to do that, though.
Brave ones.
After watching Dr. Phil, there is no doubt that Chester Styles should die. However, I think he should go to prison for a while before they put him out of his misery. Everyone knows there's a different kind of justice in prison for those sick people who do those things to children.
Throw him in general population in jail and let the inmates take care of him. Don't give him lethal injection, he does not deserve to have such an easy death.
OK so i agree to the making the sick f-ck suffer.but why blame the mother?From what I understand she was making a living so support her child,If there was hard evedence of neglect or if she was cracked out I could tottaly agree with bringing her down, but do you actually think a mother wants this to happen. I being a mother of a 1 and 2 year old would be devistated if something like that happend, And even more if I was blammed for it.....
I think in a situation like this, the victim's family should determine what justice is appropriate. I for one would love to get a baseball bat and spend some time with pedophiles. I have four children and I am telling you right now if anyone sexually abused them I would take matters into my own hands. I have no respect for the justice system because it is no longer a deterrent for these sick individuals. As far as I am concerned they have NO rights and deserve to be tortured mercilessly. Once they take away the innocence of a child, in my opinion, they lose all of their own rights.
I think this man is a monster and should be treated like one. Also, the mother DOES have responsibility in this. For her to say she disnt know of the abuse is crap. i work with abused kids and they have symptoms of being abused. I have a little girl, and i would know if she was abused, be her physical and mental actions. An abused child wil act out in some way. and did she ever bathe her child?this was a little girl, im sure there was evidence of abuse.You cant just run off and leave your kids with Lord knows who for who knows how long. its called being a responsible parent, which this mom is not.
i agree that that sick bastard should die. he deserves to. as far as him being tortured, i dont care. it has nothing to do with that, he is a threat to society, to our children, whether hes in jail or not and therefore should be removed period. as far as the mother, i believe that shes already in enough pain and does not need to deal with everone blaming her. i was molested on a daily basis by a trusting neighbor for over a year and my mother had no idea because i had no physical signs and as far as emotionally noticing a change in me, i didnt know that what he was doing was wtong, i was too young. and when she accidentally found out (from me) she had him against a wall with a knife against his neck. leave the mother alone.
yes, kill him, wake up usa,, get some balls and quit using the justice system as a business for money
Styles is a viscious monster. The mother is less than observant. If this child was so horribly abused as to what Styles is shown doing to her on video, there had to have been some observable marks, even bleeding, etc. When you become a parent, it is your job to see and know what is going on with your children. Those who do not think the mother should share some of the blame for this do not live in the real world. Turn this bastard loose in jail and let all the inmates have a little fun with him. It is better than what he really deserves. What sort of family was he from for God's sake?
I agree that there is something wrong with the mother. It sounds like some serious neglect to say the least.
whats sick is when this peice of shit gets to prison our tax dollars will pay to protect him from the general population. he will live a life in protective custody, with his very own t.v and boom box right in his cell. just pray there's a correction officer who'll accidentally open the "wrong" door at the right time.
chester the molester should be locked up for the rest of his life and let sick f-ers in the penetentury molest him until the day he dies and the same goes to the guy who suposedly found the tape while walking through the dessert. sick b-ered
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