Saturday, November 10, 2007

100 Car Pile Up On Highway 99

More than 100 cars trucks and big rigs were involved in a pile up on Highway 99, just south of Fresno , California.The pile up is said to be cause by dense fog, with visibility of less than 2 feet.
A 26 year old man, and a 5 year old boy were killed.Several people were injured.There was at least 16 trucks and big rigs involved. 2 of the big rigs carrying gasoline leaked all over the highway, along with turkey part from a truck that was carrying live turkeys.

What I'm saying iz... California is know for fog like that, and its so dangerous because not only can you not see anyone, no one can see you. Even if you do manage not to hit anyone, the person behind you might not be so lucky.Recently there was an 82 car pile up not too far from this one.

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