It seems like everyone was out to hang Vick.some of the things people were saying was worst than what Vick actually did. Would you really lock him in a cage with a dog? That's the right thing to do? And you have the nerve to judge somebody. Some people would like to say this wasn't a race issue. I'm gonna have to disagree with that.If had been a "white " player, don't think there would have been such a big ordeal, and i dont think the discipline would have been as tough.Would they have given Brett the boot? I think everyone took this way out of hand.I'm not saying that he was innocent, but I think his involvement was less than people think. People are just assuming that Vick was there everyday fighting and killing dogs. He doesnt even live in VA. Between workouts, training camps, preseason and the season, when exactly does he have time for all this? I think Vick was held responsible for the actions of others. I believe he did give his cousin the money to open the kennel.He may or may not have known his intentions. But what his cousin does is not his responsibility. I think when it came down to it, his cousin had gotten in over his head , and when he got busted, he decided to blame Vick. And I'm sure the DA made then a great deal to snitch, and blame Vick. I think Vick took it like a man. Rather than drag his name through the mud any further, he just turned his cheek, and apologized .In no way do i feel he should be banned from the NFL. A season or 2 is enough. And Atlanta would be foolish not to support Vick. Who do they think fills the stands? Harrington? Yeah, his first game turned out to be some luck. If they ever want to see the playoff again, Vick will be back!
What I'm saying iz.... I don't think its right to destroy a mans whole career for one mistake. What he did had nothing to do with his career. Maybe wasn't the best thing morally, but thats not for us to say. There are plenty of athletes involved in everything from rape, assault, man slaughter, DUI, drugs, and they are still on the field. So why is this different for Vick? What are you saying? Its OK to hurt and kill people, but if you hurt a dog, that's it? I'm still a fan of Vick and i would hate to see all that talent go to waste!
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